Senin, 13 Agustus 2012

Thanks God It's Monday

Ayey.. welcome August. :)

Today I'll go home. Yeah, my own home is in Pati, Central Java.

Actually I'll travel a long journey. Firstly, I'll go to Semarang by train. Last week, I bought it in Gambir railway station. Fortunately, I got executive class train, named Bangunkarta (Jakarta-Jombang). Oh yeah, it's quite expensive, 470K. T__T But, I bought it, because there was no other ticket for August 13.

The ticket. :D

For this journey, I bring a suitcase and a back pack. It's not only for my own stuffs but also for my family's (ibu, bapak, mbak dll). :D

See! there are many things in my suitcase. :D

I also bring some documents. Some of my documents for my CPNS status(SKCK, Kartyu Kuning) were out of date. So, I have to re-registered it.

The document, ear headset of my mobile phone, charger, and the stick. :D

I don't forget to bring novel. In this occasion, I bring Good Wifes (sequel of the Little Women).

The train will depart at 16.05 from Pasar Senen railway station. Based on the schedule, it will arrive in Semarang (Tawang railway station) at about 22.55. Then I'll spend a night in my sister's house in Semarang. And tomorrow, I'll go home by bus..

Aaaaah.. I can't wait any longer to go home. :D :D

See you in the next posting. :)

#So sorry for my bad English. It's just my little English practice. wkwkwkwk

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